
Study Spanish

Study Spanish, Why?

  • Study Spanish, why? For many this is a simple question. I want to learn Spanish because…my job requires it, I want to travel to Central America, Mexico, South America, Spain, I’m a teacher, doctor, nurse, truck driver, social worker and I need Spanish everyday, my customers are Spanish speakers…the list can go on and on.

    Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the World, with close to 400 million native Spanish speakers. With these types of numbers speaking Spanish as a second language not only is important but in many cases is essential.

    Guatemala offers an amazing opportunity for anyone wanting to study Spanish while being immersed in the culture of a Spanish speaking country.  Guatemala also offers the best prices for one on one, private, individual, Spanish classes. For more information email or call us:USA +1 (956) 622-7977.


Check out our listing of: Spanish Schools

  • Tom & Mary Lingenfelter have helped 1000's of travelers over the years make their way to Guatemala. We want to help you too. Enjoy the site and feel free to contact us with questions..
  • email:
    +502 7761-4396 (office)
    +502 5510-0558 (Cel/Whatsapp)
    +956 622-7977 (USA)
    4ta Calle 19-48, Zona 1
    Quetzaltenango, Guatemala